Biodiversity Net Gain: What Could BNG Mean For Pollinators?

Описание к видео Biodiversity Net Gain: What Could BNG Mean For Pollinators?

Biodiversity Net Gain: What Could BNG Mean For Pollinators?
Prof Jeff Ollerton
28 Oct 2024

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) promises to transform the way that we approach nature conservation in the UK. At the moment the focus of BNG is very much on habitats, with less of an emphasis on species. However, BNG has some important implications for the insect pollinators that service the reproduction of around 75% of our native wild plants. This presentation will discuss some of these implications and suggest how BNG may change in the future to accommodate the requirements of pollinators.

Check out the live Q&A and further info links for this talk here: Link coming soon...

entoLIVE is delivered by the Biological Recording Company in partnership with the British Entomological & Natural History Society, Royal Entomological Society and Amateur Entomologists' Society.
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