1992 0830 The Source Of Wisdom

Описание к видео 1992 0830 The Source Of Wisdom

Excerpt from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Last time you had asked Me for Gurupada, and you should know that the essence of Guru is Shri Ganesha, the innocence.
So the first thing is that if you want your Gurupad, you have to be innocent. “Innocent” is a very vague term, very vague, and difficult to really understand what is innocent. But what is the nature of innocence? That we can understand from Shri Ganesha’s innocence. First of all He’s endowed with wisdom, and He puts wisdom into us. It’s a nice thing now in modern times we have discovered genetics, and genetics determine our behavior and our races. It is He who puts genetics in us. He selects and puts it within us, our genetics, and when He puts wisdom in us, then we are wise. There is definitely a genetic of wisdom which is lacking, as we can see very clearly, in many races. They have no wisdom. They do things without wisdom. They do things just for their destruction, destroying their society. They may call themselves the highest society, highest races, whatever it is – you may brand yourself with anything; but you can see from their behavior they’re, that they have no wisdom at all. So He’s the one who puts that wisdom in us.
In some people who are not yet evolved, certain races are not yet evolved to that extent, this wisdom is lacking. Apart from that, this wisdom gives us the sense of freedom. So we keep aloof from all kinds of intoxicant, all kinds of bad habits. We don’t like to look at nudity. It can never become lifestyle of people who have wisdom – never. We don’t indulge into extramarital nonsense. Whatever is absolutely in the center, which is dharmic, we accept. So we can see that the seed of wisdom put into us makes us dharmic people when we grow, automatically. We are automatically dharmic. We don’t kill others, we don’t aggress others, we don’t torture others. We do not occupy anybody else’s land or house or take away anything, another’s property or another’s things. This wisdom comes to you through Shri Ganesh. In short, He makes you absolutely ready for Self-Realization. It is He only ultimately who looks after us at the time of our nirvana, at the time of our realization, because He stops all other activities of excretion when you are ascending into new realm. You have seen, I’m sitting here for nine hours, ten hours. Once I sat down for eighteen hours together, didn’t go at all, even to bathroom. Because it is He who stops all these activities – even when kundalini is rising, it stops.
So this wisdom is innate, just happens that when the kundalini is rising He becomes, manifesting in us – I mean, I should say, He makes us like a child. And that’s what Christ has said, that you have to be like children if you have to enter into the Kingdom of God. You become the child, at that time you become a child. And with the kundalini rising, that wisdom then comes into your brain, because He’s sitting on the kundalini itself. He’s the power in the kundalini. He gives wisdom in the brain. Once you get that wisdom, you drop out all bad habits, all your attachments which are wrong, all adharmic things that you do, everything drops out. He changes, your genetics are changed. The genetics of Sahaja Yogis are, all of them will be the same, about the same I would say, and the genetics of other people would be different.
So this wisdom part is so important, and that’s what we should ask Ganesha, to make us like children. Children have basically wisdom, but not all the children. This is the thing is, that children in which Shri Ganesha has activated, has put this genetic of wisdom, it is there. This is one of the greatest things we have to think about: is it wise, it is sane? It’s not to be logically – logically if you believe in something then you can go wrong, because there’s no strength from within. But innately if it becomes that, you won’t do it at any cost. Now you know yourself, all the Sahaja yogis are so different: they behave differently, they stand differently, they talk differently, they think differently, they – everything is different. Suddenly he has become, they have become like that. And you can’t understand, how is it we have become like this? They were drinking, they were smoking, drug-taking, everything they did. But how is it suddenly you changed? Because Shri Ganesha has put this wisdom in you.


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