★ Yeah1 SOLD BACK ScaleLab for $12 million USD!

Описание к видео ★ Yeah1 SOLD BACK ScaleLab for $12 million USD!

0:24 - Yeah1 sold back ScaleLab because YouTube terminated Yeah1
1:32 - Disney bought Maker for "$1 billion USD" but it was really $500 million
2:03 - All MCNs are only allowed 50 abuse events in 90 days
3:04 - Freedom! pays earlier than everyone else: on the 18th!
5:16 - Freedom! owns its own Music Factory
9:16 - Does Freedom! intend to be acquired? - George explains

Let's grow together - Partner with Freedom! ➜ https://www.freedom.tm

▼ Links mentioned in this video

Freedom! benefits
➜ https://www.goto.tm/freedom-benefits

2019-01-10 Yeah1 acquires ScaleLab
➜ https://www.prnewswire.com/news-relea...

2019-03-08 Tubefilter publicizes 50 abuse events for MCNs
➜ https://www.tubefilter.com/2019/03/08...

2019-03-11 YouTube Terminated Yeah1 MCN, so it's selling ScaleLab back to original owners for $12 million
➜ https://www.tubefilter.com/2019/03/11...

Official Yeah1 Investor Relations announcements
➜ https://yeah1group.com/investor_relat...

2019-03-11 Yeah1 sold 100% of ScaleLab LLC to Brenner Pass Investment Corrp
➜ https://y1group.s3.amazonaws.com/prod...

2019-03-03 YouTube terminated Yeah1 MCN
➜ https://y1group.s3.amazonaws.com/prod...

▼ Collaborate with us!

Introduce yourself on our Freedom! forums
➜ https://www.community.tm/forums/intro...

Chat with Freedom! on Discord
➜   / discord  

Chat with MGN on Discord, our Multi-Gaming Network
➜   / discord   - For gamers only

▼ Collaborate with George

Submit your best videos to George - Get promoted!
➜ https://bit.ly/2rDPfpQ

The George Show - All episodes!
➜ https://www.playlist.tm/thegeorgeshow

▼ Music Factory for Freedom!

Download all Music Factory tracks, free!
➜ https://www.musicfactory.tm

Music Factory is 100% free and licensed under Creative Commons NC-SA 4.0.

What is Music Factory? Let's find out
➜    • ★ Music Factory - New custom music - ...  

▼ Video Factory for Freedom!

Download Video Factory assets (with YouTube bell)
➜ http://bit.ly/vfdropbox

Video Factory is 100% free and safe to use for the Freedom! Family, even if you leave Freedom!

(But, you cannot upload new videos using Video Factory after you leave Freedom!)

What is Video Factory? Let's find out
➜    • ★ Video Factory is here - Free for yo...  

▼ YouTube 3D sets for you

See all 3D sets
➜ https://www.playlist.tm/3d-sets

Get your own YouTube 3D set!
➜ https://goo.gl/forms/qaMNytB9Cnm6c1LZ2

▼ Heartbeat

Get Heartbeat
➜ https://www.goto.tm/heartbeat

It's free and powered by Freedom!

▼ Freedom! links

Freedom! community
➜ https://www.community.tm

Freedom! support
➜ http://www.support.tm

Freedom! Facebook group
➜ https://goo.gl/1apvrd

Freedom! Facebook page
➜ https://goo.gl/b792ug

Freedom! Twitter
➜ https://goo.gl/Ge74tB

▼ Music for you

Just choose "Freedom!" when signing in at these sites to get all this music for free:

1. Music Factory is 100% safe to use because Freedom! owns all the music outright
➜    / musicfactoryfreedom  

2. Uzer Music, Position Music and FiXT music, all together on the Uzer website and used in Call of Duty, NBA and Far Cry, is now free for all Freedom! partners
➜ https://uzermusic.com

3. Epidemic Sound 25,000+ catalog licensed for free to all Freedom! partners for commercial purposes
➜ http://player.epidemicsound.com

4. AudioMicro 150,000+ catalog of music and sound effects licensed for free to all Freedom! partners for commercial purposes
➜ http://www.audiomicro.com

To get free access, partner with Freedom! ➜ https://www.freedom.tm

And let's grow together as a family :-)


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