Adorable 5 day old cygnet rides piggyback with Dad.

Описание к видео Adorable 5 day old cygnet rides piggyback with Dad.

The first part of this video was taken when the cygnets were five days old. The family of swans comes across from their nest, slowly, at the speed of the cygnets. One of the cygnets is riding piggyback with the male parent.
The parent swans are now in teaching mode and the father lets me know that I should not now hand feed. He encourages me to put the food in the water. The parents can then show the cygnets how to feed and they learn by imitation.
The parents trample the sediment at the bottom of the lake. This is to stir up the sediment, releasing nutrients - feeding from the bottom of the lake is the primary way swans feed.
The second part of the video was taken two days later. The cygnets seem bigger already. They have been out on the lake for some time feeding, and they are now full and a bit sleepy. However, mum is not so keen on letting the little ones ride on her back.


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