SCARLET NEXUS : Hard Mode (Kasane Randall) Part 26 [ XXVI ] After Credits

Описание к видео SCARLET NEXUS : Hard Mode (Kasane Randall) Part 26 [ XXVI ] After Credits

FireboltZer0 03/24/2017

July 30th 2024

Hey Everyone FireboltZer0 has slowly returned. I wanted to say thank you to my old subscribers for waiting and welcome to new ones. With new videos means more eyes on me however, this also means YouTube has also started cracking down on what kind of videos are appropriate. Even my playlist aren't safe from this, so going forward I am going to be more careful with content. For now I will keep streaming video game and maybe upload video game clips. This is my comeback and time will tell what will happen in the future. Until then this is FireboltZer0 Signing out and remember, STAY GOLDEN!


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