Labneh balls at home - how to make Labneh from yogurt - اشهى لبنة كرات منزلية

Описание к видео Labneh balls at home - how to make Labneh from yogurt - اشهى لبنة كرات منزلية

Labneh it is arabic style drained yogurt. More you drain the yogurt more dried it becomes.
To make labned balls you can use half to half goat yogurt and Greek-style yogurt or just use the Greek-style yogurt.

2 L Greek style yogurt
1 teaspoon of salt
olive oil to cover the Labneh balls

1. In a big bowl mix the labned with salt and using the cheese cloth ( or muslin cloth) close the edges and hand it up to drip all the liquid. Hang the labneh up for 24 hours and the rest 48 hours keep it in a fridge under the weight. More longer its drains more firmer it is.

2. In a day 3, when labneh is ready to roll. Roll the labneh into a balls approx. 18-20 g. and place it to a paper tower to absorb the remaining liquid. Let it set for a couple of hours. Meanwhile sterilize the jar, dry it completely, place the labneh balls, let the paper towel absorb the remaining liquid.
3. Place the labneh balls in a jar, cover fully with olive oil.
4. The Labneh balls keep for up to 6-8 weeks in the fridge.

The olive oil will be set, so you have to take out of fridge a jar with labneh balls and bring it to a room temperature, before coat them and serve to a table.
Save the olive oil, because it can be use again for a new batch of labneh balls.
You can coat the balls with sesame seeds, nigella seeds, chili flakes,
zaatar, sumac, chopped pistachios, walnuts, thyme, oregano.
#labneh #labnehballs #labnehathome


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