Eso PvP | Arcanist fatecarver bomb build melts everyone [Necrom]

Описание к видео Eso PvP | Arcanist fatecarver bomb build melts everyone [Necrom]

Another bomb highlight video on my arcanist, this time mostly with the fatecarver variant. Editing might be a bit over the top, but I tried elevating the clips, because to be fair with fatecarver you just stand there and do nothing but wait till vd procs. ^^


Skills explanation:

1. inspired scholarship - source of major brutality/sorcery
2. escalating runeblades - just slotted for passive pen
3. pragmatic fatecarver - *
4. cephaliarch flail - just slotted for passive pen
5. camo hunter - source of major prophecy/savagery
ult: languid eye - just slotted for pen

1. impervious runeward - shield + small heal
2. volcanic rune or caltrops - procs dark convergence, when ult is not up
3. vigor / flex spot - personal preference
4. cruxweaver armor - major resolve + minor breach against attackers
5. channeled acceleration - source of minor force + movement speed
ult: languid eye - procs dark convergence on backbar

Fatecarver´s dps is a lot better than i first anticipated. I was hitting upwards of 8k per 0.3s tick, so up to 24k dps on players with this skill alone. The only downside is the 0.3 channel time, that will delay your dmg and it looks kind of goofy.

other noteworthy elements:

traits: full divines on body, 3x bloodthirsty (infused also works) on jewelry with weapon dmg enchants
mundus stone: shadow
enchantments: max magicka
bewitched sugar skulls buff food
vamp stage 3 for 300 added spll dmg when exiting stealth
potions: alliance health draught (immovability, invisibility, health) or immovability potions (immovability, mag, health)
Attributes: Im using 44 mag and 20 health.
armor: 3x medium and 4x light


build 3 crux by spamming any skill that generates crux, im mostly using flail, because you just have to be in combat and dont have to hit anyone
spot a zerg (typically on keep or ressource flags)
Line of sight is the most important step (otherwise zergs will kill you in seconds or prepare to be bombed)
wait until everyone is close together
pre buff: Channeled acceleration and cruxweaver armor, then use your stealth/immovability potion
start engaging the zerg, when relatively close drop your ult or rune (on your backbar) to proc dark convergence, switch to frontbar press fatecarver once (dont forget to aim, the channel will also break if you block or dodge)
destroy zerg and make lots of AP, or fail miserably
practice and repeat

#elderscrollsonline #eso #pvp #necrom


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