Lunch and Learn - "Locked Out: Rising Evictions Threaten Housing Stability in Virginia"

Описание к видео Lunch and Learn - "Locked Out: Rising Evictions Threaten Housing Stability in Virginia"

With eviction rates soaring across Virginia, could you or someone you know be at risk of losing their home? And what can be done to stop it? In this Lunch and Learn, Ben Teresa, Ph.D., director of VCU Wilder Schools' RVA Eviction Lab and assistant chair of the urban and regional studies and planning program, focuses on rising eviction rates across the state and analyzes eviction filings and judgment trends, compares them to pre-pandemic levels and discusses the broader implications for housing stability.

Highlights include a discussion of regional disparities in eviction rates, the financial burdens facing tenants and the critical role of legal representation in eviction proceedings. Attendees will gain insight into the structural factors contributing to the eviction crisis and learn about policy recommendations aimed at supporting low- and moderate-income households. Moderated by Chelsie Dunn, Ph.D., M.P.H. (M.S.’18, Ph.D.’22), senior research associate at the Wilder School’s Research Institute for Social Equity.


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