[UTAU] The Tailor Shop on Enbizaka - Sukone Tei

Описание к видео [UTAU] The Tailor Shop on Enbizaka - Sukone Tei

More like the TEIlor shop amirite???

I'm not funny.

Anyway leaving this to upload because I have to go paint rooms u_u

This is Tei's newer but still in Beta CV VB. She sometimes muffles her K's and T's... But I still like this new version.

Original by Mothy
Picture by http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...

Download .vsq, .vsqx, .ust and karaoke
Please credit if you use~

The story of this song (When it was originally sung by Luka) Luka thought that she was married to Kaito, but Kaito had a family of his own. Meiko was his wife, Miku his elder daughter, and Rin the youngest. Luka killed each one of them without actually noticing and took the items he bought them in hopes of becoming his ideal woman. Since Kaito wasn't "coming home" she decided to approach him, but he didn't know her. So Luka killed the last of the family of 4.

It fits because Tei is supposed to be a ripoff. And in the song she kills them then steals their stuff and puts it on xD


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