Pauls, Aspazija. Circenīša Ziemassvētki. Aleksandra Špicberga un PUIKAS

Описание к видео Pauls, Aspazija. Circenīša Ziemassvētki. Aleksandra Špicberga un PUIKAS

Raimonds Pauls, Aspazija - Circenīša Ziemassvētki / The Little Cricket’s Christmas

The little cricket sings
By the fireside,
Come, my boy, sit
On your mother’s lap.
Oh, don’t beg for
A loaf of bread,
Look out there instead —
A host of stars!
May others have nuts
And pies;
While the moon shines
For us in the window!
So round and white
And kind,
Moon never shines so bright
For others.
There, there, dear.
Wipe away the tears,
So you may hear
My lovely story:
We’ll put a harness
On the cat,
And ride the sky
To the Moon.
You’ll have many
Shiny toys there,
The cat will have
Mice of gold.
You’ll have a silver
With a gilded
A sword on
Your hip,
A little red flag
In your hand.
Hush, my little boy,
Sleep on my lap
Like the little cricket
Sleeps by the fireside.

Lyrics translation by Kintija Rogers

Dzied / Sings Aleksandra Špicberga and Boys vocal group PUIKAS
Ģitāra / Guitar - Vladimirs Kudrins
Video / Aleksandrs Okonovs, Una Cekule
Director of Sounds / Andris Ūze
Producer / Māra Špicberga

Rīgas vec. sv. Ģertrūdes baznīca / St. Gertrude Old Church, Riga, 12th of December 2022


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