Viriato Villas-Boas @ Medium Day 24: Skateboarding, Human Rights, Writing, Communication & Politics

Описание к видео Viriato Villas-Boas @ Medium Day 24: Skateboarding, Human Rights, Writing, Communication & Politics

What What Working in Skateboarding and Human Rights Taught Me About Writing, Communicating & Navigating the Contemporary Political Landscape

As the Founder, President & CEO of a Human Rights nonprofit ( through the lens of #skateboarding , as well as a #writer and a consultant, I have had the privilege to have many feet in various worlds. This means that I have been tasked with the very serious and complex task of translating 'worlds' back at each other (the #youth 'world' to the bureaucratic 'world'; the #gender and ethnic minority 'worlds' to the decision makers 'world', etc).
With this in mind, there are many routes and strategies to achieve one's goals, whether they are personal or communal.
Communication is key to human progress and interactions, and based on my successful experiences, I would like to share how one can keep a coherent message across different styles and approaches to communications.

#politics #talk #lecture #humanrights


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