ALL Curly Arrow Mechanisms for OCR A-level Chemistry

Описание к видео ALL Curly Arrow Mechanisms for OCR A-level Chemistry

0:00 A note from me
0:25 Nucleophilic substitution
1:19 Nucleophilic addition 1
2:36 Nucleophilic addition 2
3:37 Electrophilic addition 1
4:48 Electrophilic addition 2
5:51 Electrophilic substitution
6:46 BONUS!

Aliphatics Pathways summary video =    • ALL Organic Chemistry Reactions || Al...  

Aromatic Pathways =    • ALL Aromatic Chemistry Reactions in A...  

Curly arrow mechanism summary =    • ALL Curly Arrow Mechanisms for OCR A-...  

** There is loads more NMR content in the Year 2 playlist licked below! **

Year 1 Playlist =    • OCR CHEMISTRY (Year 1) Module 2, 3 an...  

Year 2 Playlist =    • OCR CHEMISTRY (Year 2) Modules 5 and ...  

This video was edited using iMovie (including music) and the graphic prepared using Canva.

The link to my full video catalogue is here =
Topics are Organised by OCR module in the correct sequence of the specification.
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