Paladins Item Store Guide | introverted

Описание к видео Paladins Item Store Guide | introverted

I am back from my break! Hey again I guess. I've always felt like the community is missing an item store guide so I decided to make one lol. I tried to make it as easy to understand for new players as possible. I know that it probably is not helpful for old players but I still hope you enjoyed the video!

Here are the time stamps for the video:

0:00 întro
04:16 Part 1: General information
08:44 Part 2: How to earn credits
20:22 Part 3: What is each item good for?
20:50 Illuminate
22:52 Resilience
25:45 Guardian
26:50 Haven
28:30 Summary Blue Item Class
29:56 Nimble
31:27 Master Riding
32:16 Morale Boost
34:21 Chronos
35:57 Summary Yellow Item Class
36:37 Rejuvenate
39:08 Kill to Heal
40:22 Life Rip
42:26 Veteran
43:23 Summary Green Item Class
44:32 Bulldozer
46:20 Cauterize
51:21 Deft Hands
52:48 Wrecker
54:11 Summary Red Item Class
55:05 Channel Update

Here is the link to the google docs document with all information I talked about in the video:

Music I used in this video:Track: Lost Sky - Dreams pt. II (feat. Sara Skinner) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch:    • Lost Sky - Dreams pt. II (feat. Sara ...  ​ Free Download / Stream:

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: WKAA2BPYGHZMDYQD

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: LOMT3YSMSHXUMYPG

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: XXV9CDMYBLIKSHNO

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: XF6R2BMO7KACPBXR

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: ZCWT2HXHJGGHGRWM

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: IHXVFYAJAQNS4GHN

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: 42ATXGUYSA0SYJYS

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: 9NPJ3X8UAXVHCP97

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: ES5PGUQAHNIHQE9C

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: XWNVMZPQMHJJFOWK

Hey! I'm întroverted and I like to play paladins on a educational level on this channel. I played almost 4k hours. I want to have fun and share my gameplays- I also play overwatch from time to time.

Discord Server:   / discord  

Twitter:   / ntroverted4  

Twitch: introvertedmd

Thanks for watching my video, I hope you enjoyed it:3 Don't hesitate to tell me what you think I could improve (on the chanel and in the gameplay as well). I also like to hear some content ideas if you have any, just tell me. In the future I'd like to upload more casual gameplays and do some challenges like "no red items" or "loadout challenge"(you suggest a loadout to play with a certain champion). Have a great day and don't forget: You are awesome!:3


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