Fish Production—Fish Farming and its Advantages [Enhancing Fishery in India]—Hindi Informative Video

Описание к видео Fish Production—Fish Farming and its Advantages [Enhancing Fishery in India]—Hindi Informative Video

मछली उद्योग उच्च आर्थिक मूल्य के साथ मछली और अन्य जलीय जीवों को पकड़ने, प्रसंस्करण और विपणन से संबंधित है। केकड़े, ऑक्टोपस, झींगा मछली, सीप, झींगे, कुछ आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण जलीय जीव हैं। मछली भारत और अन्य तटीय देशों में भोजन का एक महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत हैं। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि मछली सस्ती होती है और प्रोटीन का एक महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत होती है। मछली उद्योग तटीय क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले बड़ी संख्या में लोगों को रोजगार भी प्रदान करता है।

#AnimalHusbandry #मछलीउत्पादनकेतरीके #Overfishing #Upsc

“Fish production or fish farming is a form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in enclosures to be sold as food.”

What is Fish Production?
Fish are a very high source of proteins and have great nutritional value. Fish production was initially dependent on fish capturing. However, most of the captured fish were used for industrial purposes and were hardly consumed by man. Therefore, an alternative method to increase fish production was devised that includes farming and husbandry of economically important aquatic organisms. This is known as aquaculture.

Also Read: Poultry farming

Methods of Fish Production
Fish production can be done in two ways:

Capture Fishery
Naturally occurring fish are harvested by capture fishery. Capture fishery is sometimes also known as wild fishery.

Culture Fishery
This is the controlled cultivation of fish in water bodies. It can also be referred to as fish farming or pisciculture. Note that pisciculture is a form of aquaculture as aquaculture is the scientific rearing and management of all aquatic animals.

Fishery is further divided into:

Inland Fishery
Marine Fishery
Inland Fishery
In this, fishing is done in freshwater bodies, such as lakes, ponds, rivers, and tanks. Reservoirs where freshwater bodies and seawater bodies join also form inland fisheries.
The method incorporated here is generally pisciculture, as the yield of capture fishery is not very high.
5-6 species are reared in one water body. This selection of species is such that they have different food habits yet there is no competition for food.
Common varieties reared are Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Common Carp, etc.
Marine Fishery
With the Indian landmass being a peninsula, we have been blessed with a coastline of 7517 km. Thus, fishing is a source of livelihood for 14 million people. These 14 million people cast their fishing nets in marine fisheries, i.e. in marine waters- the sea and the ocean.
These are further divided into coastal fisheries that are near the shore and off-shore or deep-sea fisheries that are deeper in the sea.
Sardines, mackerel, hilsa, tuna, Pomfret, mussels, prawns, oysters, etc. are some common types.
The use of echo-sounders and satellites for the location of large fish to increases the yield.

Also Read: Cattle farming

Culture Fishery
Culture fishery is also known as fish farming. Let us have a detailed look at the process of fish production by fish farming, and its advantages.

Fish Farming
About half the fish consumed today is raised globally through fish farming. Some of the common fish species that are farmed include tuna, salmon, halibut, cod, and trout. The aquafarms can be in the form of mesh cages submerged in water or concrete enclosures on land. However, the fish farms can damage the ecosystem by introducing diseases, pollutants and invasive species.

Methods of Fish Farming
Fish farming involves the following methods:

Extensive Fish Farming
In this type of farming, economic and labour inputs are low. The natural food production plays a major role in this type of farming. Fertilizers may be added to increase the fertility and hence, the production of fish.

Semi-intensive Fish Farming
This method implies moderate levels of economic and labour inputs. The production can be increased by supplementary feeding or addition of fertilizers. Thus, the production of fish is higher.

Intensive Fish Farming
In this method, the fish are stocked with as many fish as possible. The fish are fed with supplementary feed.

Advantages of Fish Farming
The farmed fish provides high quality protein for human consumption.
Fish farming can be integrated into the existing farm to create additional income and improve its water management.
The farmers can select the fish species with desired characteristics to raise.
Fish in a pond are not accessible to everyone. Thus, they are secured and are harvested at will.
Fish in a pond are nearby.

The science of harvesting or producing fish and other aquatic resources for the purpose of providing human and for the purpose of obtaining fish products namely oil, recreational sports, obtaining ornamental fish and more. Typically a unit is defined by some authority to be a fishery. Basically, fishery defined based on the type of fish, a number of people involved, class of boats, the method of fishing, seabed and the purpose of activities.

Fisheries are done either for subsistence or commercial. Most of the world’s fisheries account from oceans or seas nearly ninety per cent.


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