1111 Portal Channeling Pleiadian Light Language Support | You Are Safe to Feel the Collective

Описание к видео 1111 Portal Channeling Pleiadian Light Language Support | You Are Safe to Feel the Collective


Hello Beautiful Souls!
Welcome to Sovereign Vibrations!
This Pleiadian Channeling brings in support on this 11/11 portal energy week. I hope that the message and light language bring you comfort and to remind you that it is normal to possible feel overwhelmed by the collective energies right now and take time to help replenish your own energetic and emotional cup. Apologies as well because for some reason the end of the video my audio went out and I wasn't able to recover it on the video so I cut it and added the slides. Thank you all for what you are moving through and all of the work you are doing on the individual scale because I can feel you all and it is an honor to be connected to such loving and caring souls!!

Thank you,

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So much love
Renee Louise

#1111 #portal #pleiadian #channling #lightlanguage #starseed


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