On the cards

Описание к видео On the cards

The idiom "on the cards" is an expression that means something is likely to happen or is possible in the future. It is often used to talk about future events or outcomes that are anticipated or expected.
Here are a few examples to help illustrate the meaning of this idiom:
1. "Getting a promotion is on the cards for John."
This means that it is likely or possible for John to get a promotion in the near future. There are indications or factors that suggest he has a good chance of being promoted.
2. "A vacation to Europe is on the cards for next year."
This implies that there is a plan or intention to take a vacation to Europe in the coming year. It suggests that the trip is likely to happen or is being considered seriously.
3. "Winning the lottery is not on the cards for most people."
This conveys that the chances of winning the lottery are very slim for most individuals. It indicates that it is not likely or possible for them to win because the odds are against them.
4. "It is on the cards that they will break up soon."
This suggests that there are signs or indications that a couple's relationship is going through a difficult phase and may end in a breakup. It implies that a breakup is likely or expected to happen in the near future.
5. "Rain is on the cards for tomorrow."
This means that there is a high possibility or forecast of rain occurring the next day. It indicates that the weather conditions are indicating rain as a likely event.
In summary, the idiom "on the cards" is used to express the likelihood or possibility of something happening in the future. It is a way to convey that an event or outcome is anticipated or expected based on certain indications or factors.


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