I'm a 10: Status Games

Описание к видео I'm a 10: Status Games

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Men need to understand how women communicate, or we're going to keep facing the same problems.

Cancel culture, false accusations, and even laws based on assumptions that are obviously not true are all partially attributable to the female communication strategy of creating a false sense of peace and equality on the outside while keeping true intentions hidden.

So when people start saying things that are obviously not true, don't argue with logic! That's a waste of time. Just figure out what they're keeping hidden. In the case of the clip I used as an example, the guests are trying to unify against Brian and friends in order to have the power to shape the conversation as a group. This makes it easier to make themselves appear correct and to silence people who oppose them. SOUND FAMILIAR?

Canceling cancel culture means calling out what they really want - unearned benefits and social and political power for no reason other than "we all said it's true so it is."


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