Što napraviti od leće (a da nije čorbica)
1. Brza peciva:
150 g leće (moži crvena ili zelena) - dobro oprati i namočiti
50 ml čiste vode
30 ml maslinova ulja
50 ml čiste vode
30 g psylium ljuskica
1 mala žličica soli
5 g praška za pecivo
Ocjedjenu leći zblendati sa 50 ml vode, dodati ostale sastojke osim psyliuma i blendati još dok ne dobijete potpuno finu glatku smjesu. Umiješati psylium i ostaviti da lijepo nabubri da se može oblikovati. Navlaženim rukama (može voda ili maslinovo ulje) oblikovati male loptice, slagati na pek papir, posipati sjemenkama po želji i peći na 180* 20 min. Nevjerojatno su mekane, razabrane, ukusne i dostojna zamjena svakom glutenskom pecivu! Od ove smjese sam dobila 7 kom. Izvrsni za sendviče, neutralni i pogodni i za slatke namaze, odlična zamjena za klasična burger peciva 🍔
2. Tortilje od leće:
1 šalica leće (oprana, namočena)
2 šalice vode
1 žličica soli
1/2 žličice češnjaka u prahu (opcionalno)
Sve zblendati, izliti u zdjelu, pokriti i ostaviti u frižider da prenoći. Raditi tortilje ili palačinke, peći oko 2 min sa svake strane. nadjevati po želji.
Malo više posla ima oko njih ali su mljac! 🌯🫔
3. Pizza tijesto:
1 šalica leće (oprana, namočena)
1 šalica vode
1 žličica soli
1/2 žličice češnjaka u orahu
1 žl maslinova ulja
1 velika žl psylium ljuskica
Sve zblendati, ostaviti da psylium nabubri, smjesu razmazati na pek papir u veličini pizze - zapeći kratko na 180* - svega 10-ak min. Čisto da je stabilno, da nije ljepljivo… dodati zatim sos paradajz u koji ste dodali začine za pizzu, topping po želji (sir, šunka, tuna, povrće, gljive) i zapeći još kratko na 200* da se sve ispeče - poslužiti i uživati u izvrsnoj “lažnoj” visokoproteinskoj pizzi 🥳🍕
Sve smo tako brzo pojeli da nemam slike - samo isječke iz videa. Na @youtube kanalu @just.katebake možete pogledati detaljan postupak izrade.
Nadam se da ćete isprobati, čekam vaše dojmove.
#justkatebake #recept #zdravirecepti #glutenfree #highprotein #lentilrecipe
What to make with lentils (without making a stew)
1. Quick pastries:
150 g of lentils (can be red or green) - wash well and soak
50 ml of clean water
30 ml of olive oil
50 ml of clean water
30 g of psyllium flakes
1 small teaspoon of salt
5 g of baking powder
Blend the drained lentils with 50 ml of water, add the rest of the ingredients except psyllium and blend until you get a completely fine, smooth mixture.
Mix in the psyllium and leave it to swell nicely so that it can be shaped. Form small balls with moistened hands (can be water or olive oil), place on parchment paper, sprinkle with seeds as desired and bake at 180* for 20 min.
They are incredibly soft, crumbly, tasty and a worthy replacement for any gluten-free pastry!
I got 7 pieces from this mixture.
Excellent for sandwiches, neutral and suitable for sweet spreads, great substitute for classic burger buns 🍔
2. Lentil tortillas:
1 cup lentils (washed, soaked)
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)
Blend everything, pour into a bowl, cover and leave in the fridge overnight.
Make tortillas or pancakes, bake for about 2 minutes on each side. stuffing as desired.
There is a little more work to be done with them, but they are great! 🌯
3. Pizza dough:
1 cup lentils (washed, soaked)
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of garlic in granulas
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 large tsp psyllium husk
Blend everything, let the psylium swell, spread the mixture on pizza-sized baking paper - bake for a short time at 180* - only about 10 minutes.
Make sure that it is stable, that it is not sticky... then add the tomato sauce to which you have added pizza spices, toppings of your choice (cheese, ham, tuna, vegetables, mushrooms) and bake for a short time at 200* until everything is baked - serve and enjoy in an excellent "fake" high-protein pizza 🍕 We ate everything so fast that I don't have any pictures - just clips from the video.
On the @youtube channel @just.katebake, you can watch the detailed production process.
I hope you will try it, I am waiting for your impressions. .
. #justkatebake #recept #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #highprotein
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