Jaguar Cichlid Fish Hybridized with Texas Cichlid

Описание к видео Jaguar Cichlid Fish Hybridized with Texas Cichlid

Aquarium jaguar cichlids are super rad fish. What if we mixed a jaguar with a Texas Cichlid? Make sure to feed your fish a staple diet of pellets and mix in treats here and there.

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More Talk on aquarium madness:
Watch how much you're feeding. That keeps your ammonia levels up. You may need to rehome them temporarily and possibly start over. I learned my lesson after i lost a fish that cycling your tank before adding fish is best. Trista Backman I'll tell you, last week at the start of the week, the tank looked great. The fish were doing fantastic and I had such a blast watching them when I would get home. They are so entertaining , my husband and I had started talking about saving for a bigger tank. Then all hades broke out and well... Here we are. Lol


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