DMW Built 200 Series Wagon Tackle The Powerlines Track

Описание к видео DMW Built 200 Series Wagon Tackle The Powerlines Track

Let us build YOUR ultimate Landcruiser! We weren't planning on doing any filming on this day, but we had some equipment with us so we decided to film some sections of our while out for for a wheel.

We took two 200 Series wagons we built out to the power lines for the day.

The two cars builds are:
200 Series GXL
3820kg DMW GVM Upgrade.
Dobinson Bull Bar
Dobinson Side Rails
Dobinson Side Steps
All terrain tyres on powder coated factory rims
Safari Snorkel
2" Dobinson Lift
Dobinson Spot lights

One of the 200 Series was a 200 GXL with a 3820kg GVM upgrade and the other a Sahara with a DMW 4495kg GVM upgrade.

Comfortable and still able to hit some tracks on the weekends. This is why we love these cars!


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