I Knew You by Name Only (Te ştiam numai din nume)

Описание к видео I Knew You by Name Only (Te ştiam numai din nume)

The jubilee concert of Eugen Doga took place in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire on May 11, 2012.
Performed the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic" conducted by Joseph Ion Pruner.
Sing Valentina Nafornita.
Liric by Veronica Micle
Music by Eugen Doga.

M-am gândit cu drag la tine până nu te-am cunoscut
Te ştiam numai din nume, de nu te-aş mai fi ştiut!
Şi-am dorit să pot odată să te văd pe tine eu,
Să-ţi închin a mea viaţă, să te fac idolul meu.

Acest vis de fericire l-am plătit atât de scump,
Azi şi inimă şi suflet de durere mi se rump,
În sălbatica-mi iubire te-am iubit cu-atâta foc
C-am pierdut cu tine-odată orice urmă de noroc.

I have thought fondly of you until I have met you
I only knew your name, I would not know anything else
And I hoped that I could see you once
To hand you my life, to make you my idol
This merry dream of mine, I have paid so much for it
Today, my heart and my soul are painfully breaking
In my wild love, I have loved you so much
That at the same time as you, I have lost all of my luck
Translation http://lyricstranslate.com/hu/transla...

* The official website of composer Eugen Doga http://www.dogamusic.com/en
* Like Us on Facebook!   / dogaeugen  
* Sheet Music http://eugendoga.musicaneo.com/
* SoundCloud   / eugen-doga  


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