New World PvP - 5v1 lvl 25 Archer

Описание к видео New World PvP - 5v1 lvl 25 Archer

The build below is going to offer you top DPS, Highest mobility in the game, and make you a beast Hybrid capable of adding value in any situation. This is the only build I have reliably 1vX decent or skilled opponents. This build guide will cover the following: Weapons, Weapon Skills, Attributes, Key binds, Armor, How-To Play.

1. High DPS
2. High Sustainability
3. Ability to Disengage a Fight
4. 1 Shot combo is fast and easy to master for beginners.

1. Low Armor
2. Low Health

Slot 1: Sword & Shield
Slot 2: Bow
Slot 3: Life Staff

Weapon Skills:
Bow: Spreadshot, Multi-shot, & penetrating shot.
Sword: Shield rush, Shield bash, Reverse stab

Attributes are very simple on this build. Stack CON until you have just enough health to survive a sword combo with an extra hit or two (30-45 CON). The rest goes straight to DEX. You really want to hit the DEX softcap of 60 ASAP. Stats are very important to this builds overall dps. Stats over iLvl for this build.

Slot 1 Sword: Q=Leaping Strike, R=Shield Rush, F=Shield Bash. You may switch Q & R if you'd like.
Slot 2 Bow: Q=Spreadshot, R=Multi-Shot, F=Penetrating Shot. You can swap multi-shot and penetrating if you prefer.
Slot 3 Life Staff: Q=Burst Heal , R=Speed of Light, F=Healing Wave.

Armor T5:
- Option 1 Mainset: 4of5 Pieces of Faction Armor with +5 Dex GemHelm, Gloves, Legs, Boots). 1 Piece Dueslist or Sage Chest WITH Socket.
- Option 2 Mainset: 3of5 Pieces of Faction Armor with +5 Dex Gem (Helm, Gloves, Boots). 2of5 Piece portal dropped plaguedoctor (Chest & Legs)
- Off-set: T4 Dex Ring from Mounringdale quest 5% headshot dmg. T4orT5 Archer Earring. T4orT5 Archer Necklace.

How-To Play:
Overall: The highlight of this build and the sole reason I created it was for the best sustained mobility. When paired with T3 stam recovery food and stamina potions this build allows you to travel as fast as a pure Focus build spamming 'Speed of Light'.
Weapons: The main purpose of this build is focused around the bow. We are getting all of the passives in Bow, and the 5% damage bonus passive in the sword to strengthen our bow. Bow receives 5% Headshot Dmg passive, 10% headshot dmg passive, 5% headshot dmg passive from quest ring, 5% weapon dmg increase from sword passive, 10% extra damage increase for 5 seconds after rolling, and 10% extra damage from Leadership Buff if playing in group with a sword main/tank. This allows your stunned target to take a 5 arrows spreadshot to the face with a 45% damage increase for each arrow. Absolutely devastating to the enemies.
1 Shot Combo: Open with your bow shooting arrows, bait the target in close for a weapon swap into the shield bash. Swap to bow, roll for 10% bonus dmg, spreadshot to their face while stunned.
Mobility: Cast Speed of Light with Staff, Dodge-roll forward (While you are dodge-rolling swap back to your bow weapon), Now you have a 3 sec speed buff hold Shift and sprint. Stop sprinting after 3 seconds, dodge-roll forward, beging to sprint for 3 more seconds. Cycle until out of stam or until 1 dodge-roll left. Swap to staff, cast Speed of Light. Rinse and repeat. This will allow you to catch ANYONE trying to run away even focus builds. You only need a 3 arrow spreadshot to drop those guys.
The bonus here is once you get this motion fluid. You can dodge-roll to bow weapon swap in order to get the speed buff, then swap back to your sword or staff and youll still have the buff for about .75-1 seconds which allows you to gain ground with the sword equipped in order to get in range for a leap or any other combo you like.
Sword: Two options: Bait the shield bash with your sword and 1 shot combo them (Easiest) OR fight with bow by kiting and using well-timed Spread shots. Create distance. ALWAYS Reverse-dodge roll before casting a Multi-shot as the animation is long. Main goal here is to pick at them a small amount and land a spreadshot from the side when they try to cast a heavy lunge at you.
Axe: You must fight axe far away if they have the purge talent. Always fight axe from distance as aimed shot is very hard to land far away while arrows are not. If they do not have purge, 1 shot them. Axe is very easy to fight as they do not have a shield against your bow. Just create distance and widdle them down.
Bow: Outdps them because your build is superior and Heavily specced into DEX. Can also get close for a spreadshot or go after them with sword to get the shield bash if they get to close or there are convenient LOS objects around you. Swap to life staff and keep your healing wave up as often as possible for sustain.
Staves: Very easy you can use bow or sword. If they are heavily-self healing than get a shield--bash 1 shot combo on them.
Warhammer: LUL


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