Описание к видео Aizawl EFCI Choir 'BEISEINA NUNG'


Only in this life if we have hope in Christ,
We are of all men most miserable.
Beyond these earthly blessings there is hope beyond
I am being welcomed there with glory and exaltation

O death where is your sting and victory
The power of sin that is death
Has already been conquered by Christ
I have had life which cannot be defeated by death

Multitudes of men seeking joy and happiness
Could not find it but instead ended in despair
Be we having a living hope in Christ after death
Have tasted the joy of heaven beyond this worldly pleasure

The worldly riches and wealth I have been seeking
None is there which I can take it to heaven
The sufferings, the loss, and the things I have parted in the name of the Lord
Are the ones I will treasure when I reach Heaven

My earthly flesh which is frail and will decay
Is sown in dishonor and will be buried
It will one day resurrect invested with glory and power
When I will be raised again clothed in heaven’s fine linen

I have a great house in heaven not built by human hands
The sun and the moon are not required to light up that city
The Glory of the Lord will light up the place
And darkness will be no more in my beautiful land


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