德國狐式裝甲車,TPZ-1 fuchs,第二輛服役加入西德陸軍的輪式車輛,水路兩栖,使用IDB公司提供的附加裝甲,能夠正面防禦30毫米口徑的穿甲脫殼彈

Описание к видео 德國狐式裝甲車,TPZ-1 fuchs,第二輛服役加入西德陸軍的輪式車輛,水路兩栖,使用IDB公司提供的附加裝甲,能夠正面防禦30毫米口徑的穿甲脫殼彈

狐式輪型裝甲車 (Fuchs)是西德時期德國生產的輪型裝甲車,一直持續使用至今。西德戴姆勒.賓士(Daimler-Benz)在1960年代就開始進行狐式的研發工作,70年代成熟共生產了996輛狐式車系供西德陸軍使用,並外銷阿爾及利亞、荷蘭、英國、美國、沙烏地阿拉伯、委內瑞拉,有轉向式水推進系統能涉水前進,美國發佈採購意願後由德國轉移技術於美國通用動力陸上系統生產其核生化防護車型,美軍編號M-93。
The Fox wheeled armored vehicle (Fuchs) is a wheeled armored vehicle produced in Germany during the West German period and has continued to be used to this day. West Germany Daimler-Benz (Daimler-Benz) began to develop the Fox type in the 1960s. In the 1970s, a total of 996 Fox vehicles were produced for the West German Army and exported to Algeria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, The United States, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela have steering water propulsion systems that can wade through water. After the United States announced its purchase intention, Germany transferred the technology to the General Dynamics Land System in the United States to produce its nuclear, biological and chemical protection models, the U.S. military number M-93.


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