Nosema, the late spring killer of bee hives in northern climates

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This colony is dead, or at least we are calling it that. (We could take all the bees that are left and put them in a five frame nuc to see if the queen recovers and still possibly use her later on.) After looking at all the signs it appears the colony died of Nosema Apis. There is bee poop everywhere. Nosema Apis does cause a type of bee dysentery. This disease affects colonies usually in late winter. It is brought on by stress that a colony is under. Mites could possibly be a contributing factor that helped cause stress. But the key apparent symptom of bee poop everywhere, points to Nosema. We used to treat our bees with Fumigillan aka known as Fumidil B. It was an antibiotic for the treatment of Nosema. It is not even sold anymore.Here is a link to the ABJ with an article about it.


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