Foil Attacks - 01 - Basic Foil Impressioning

Описание к видео Foil Attacks - 01 - Basic Foil Impressioning

(This video is part of the multi-part review and advisory posted here:

This is a very simple attack that is particularly effective against dimple style pin tumbler locks. Using a specially-prepared key and covering it with foil tape, it becomes possible to essentially "impression" a lock without any filing or additional tools.

Attempting to repeatedly turn the lock cylinder will cause pins to bind and those binding pins will mark and depress divots into the foil, slowly working it down into the proper shape. The divots in the foil will push deeper and deeper until a given pin stack is in the PROPER position, at which point is is no longer binding and (ostensibly) is no longer pushing or jamming into the foil.

While this attack can be fussy at times, it's wildly effective in the right situation. You'll see an example of a more advanced use of this method in the next video.


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