《中山大學突擊街訪》中山學生討厭英文嗎!? 英文水平心得大揭密

Описание к видео 《中山大學突擊街訪》中山學生討厭英文嗎!? 英文水平心得大揭密

#中山大學 #雙語計畫 #學生街訪 #NSYSU #EMI #中山教發
National Sun Yat-sen University endeavors to achieve the goal of becoming a bilingual university by 2030. What are NSYSU students’ ideas? How do they feel after taking EMI courses? Is students’ English proficiency adequate enough to follow the lessons? For this issue, there is a dichotomy of opinions. Let’s explore this issue through on-campus interviews with Teaching and Learning Development and Resource Center!
#NSYSU #EMI #On-campus student interview #NSYSUTLDR


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