Tablespoon Igniting Char Cloth, Cataract Surgery Updates

Описание к видео Tablespoon Igniting Char Cloth, Cataract Surgery Updates

Do you remember a recent video where I used the hem off denim shorts for emergency char cloth (Link below)? Let’s use some of that char cloth today and solar ignite it with a shiny tablespoon.
I also want to give you an update on my 2 Cataract Surgeries with stents that I’m in the middle of right now.
Please follow the LINKs below and SUBSCRIBE. Thank You!

Solar Ignitions Playlist
   • Solar Ignitions Playlist  
Char Cloth, Charred Punkwood Playlist
   • Char Cloth, Charred Punkwood Playlist  
How To Make Emergency “Denim Hem” Char Cloth
   • How To Make Emergency “Denim Hem” Cha...  


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