Systems Engineering For Dummies

Описание к видео Systems Engineering For Dummies

Building systems, processes, workflows, automations and so on is a MUST in business.

I know that.

You know that.

Even the guy down the street… who is not in business… knows that.

Because without systems you have a mess… fly by the seat of your pants... business.

The problem I see working with brokers, is the definition of systems, and the extent and depth of their installation… is vague and half-baked.

Take an easy example.

Brokers with little-to-no systems, they know this and know they need to do something about it… which is a good thing. Because if they stop working, everything stops.

Here’s where it gets tricky and dangerous.

Brokers who do have a lot of systems in their business, think their systems are really good and are kicking goals, but in reality it’s primary school level at best. If they stop working, some things keep working because of a support team in place, but many things stop and break without them.

A lot of brokers have a basic system for the loan process, but have virtually no systems for lead generation, referrals, partnership nurture, marketing, admin, HR, team performance, client care, reporting, and so on.

In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, we discuss the purpose of systems and the various levels of ‘system achievement’ needed to go from solo broker to true business owner that is not required in any way.

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