My First Giant Trevally Caught On Absolute Shrimp at Pulau Ubin Singapore / 乌敏岛钓游之第一条用绝对虾钓获的金骨鱼

Описание к видео My First Giant Trevally Caught On Absolute Shrimp at Pulau Ubin Singapore / 乌敏岛钓游之第一条用绝对虾钓获的金骨鱼

今天我用zerek 绝对虾钓鱼,去到钓点刚刚退潮,退潮时有很多小鱼或小虾会给潮水带进大海,这时会有很多鱼在等待免费的食物。我赶快换上我绝对虾配上20ib fluorocarbon 子线,抛出去,慢抽和快抽,偶尔停下一两秒,然后继续抽动拟饵模范虾活动。突然有一条小鱼看中了我的虾,我直接开抢,中了感觉不像金目鲈,只是看到银光在水里反射。等我拉到岸上,是条我期待已久的金骨鱼,虽然体型不大,可是这是我人生第一条金骨。过后没什么动静,这就一天了。

Today I using zerek absolute shrimp to luring at pulau ubin, when I reach the spot Is outgoing tide. Outgoing tide will bring some small fish and prawn to the sea , meanwhile they are some fish is aiming to the food. I quickly setup my absolute shrimp with 20ib Fluorocarbon leader line, with slow twitch and fast twitch to emulate live prawn pattern. Suddenly got fish whack my absolute shrimp and I set hook directly. I saw the silver shining inside the water , I thought is barramundi , after that I pull nearby and see it was my dream fish giant trevally however it small but it unlock my new species fish. I quickly release the hook and took photo to set it free and release to it place.

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