Make Solaria sound human - Basic tutorial

Описание к видео Make Solaria sound human - Basic tutorial

In this basic tutorial I will show you how to use the AI-voice Solaria on Synthesizer V to make her sound like a natural Human singer.

NOTICE: The functions and interface of Synthesizer V Pro have changed since the update to version 1.9.1. If you want to use the random seed function, you first have to go into the Note properties menu and select "Manual" instead of "Sing" as Pitch mode.

The free and pro version of Synthesizer V Studio are available here:
The free voice of Solaria Lite can be downloaded here:
Solaria Pro can be downloaded here:

For more information about Solaria and Synthesizer V you can visit this site:

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a note in the comments.

#synthv_solaria #solaria #synthesizerv


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