02. Tomb Kings vs Dwarfs, 1500 pts | Warhammer Old World 10-minute battle report

Описание к видео 02. Tomb Kings vs Dwarfs, 1500 pts | Warhammer Old World 10-minute battle report

Tomb Kings of Khemri:

Tomb King [438 pts]: Flail, General, Dragon, Armour of the Ages, Tali Pres
Mortuary Priest [90 pts] Lvl 2, Earthing Rod, Elementalism
18 Tomb Guard [210 pts]: Halberds, champ, standard
30 Skeleton Warriors [170 pts]: spears, phalanx champ, standard
Tomb Scorpion Ambusher [75 pts]
Tomb Scorpion [70 pts]
3 Bowshabti [147 pts]
Screaming Skull Catapult [105 pts]
Necrosphinx [195 pts]

Dwarf Mountain Holds:

Anvil of Doom [295 pts]: General, MRo Balance, Ro Spellbreaking
Thane [142 pts]: Full plate, Shield, BSB, Ro Fortitude, Ro Preservation
Engineer [50 pts]
12 Thunderers [147 pts]: Shields, FC
12 Thunderers [147 pts]: Shields, FC
20 Dwarf Warriors [215 pts]: Great weapons, Shields, FC
20 Ironbreakers: [336 pts]: FC, Cinderblast on champ
Cannon [105 pts]: Ro Reloading
1 Gyrocopter [60 pts]: Steam gun

Tournament held at Athena Games in Norwich (https://athenagames.com/)


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