Unaweza yesu"you are able jesus"(official audio lyrics)

Описание к видео Unaweza yesu"you are able jesus"(official audio lyrics)

This is your testimony (huu ni ushuhuda wako)
SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT please 🙏 God bless you

I Am Among Them All,
you have changed their lives,
Without you I could not live,
Eh!my savior

In my failure you were the answer,
in my tears you were the answer,
You didn't fail at anything,
Eh!my savior

When I was in the desert,
I didn't get water, food,
But you didn't leave me,
Eh! my savior

my life for yesterday,
and here I am today, it is by your grace, you have shown me love
Eh!my savior

you are able×2
You are able eh! My savior
You are able jesus

Indeed your goodness to me,
I announce it every day, father.
you are able jesus

I am a witness of the broken heart people you healled
you are able jesus

Indeed I am a witness of the broken heart people you
Healed ,
You are able jesus

Indeed your goodness to me,
I announce it every day oooh

Oh!oh!oh! You are able ×2
You are able jesus ×2

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