The Armageddon Letters: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro in the Cuban Missile Crisis

Описание к видео The Armageddon Letters: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro in the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Balsillie School of International Affairs is the global headquarters for the observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the October 1962 Cuban missile crisis. The initiative is led by BSIA faculty members, James Blight and janet Lang, and BSIA digital scholar in residence, Koji Masutani. The "command post" for this effort is their website, During this event, Jim and janet discussed their book, The Armageddon Letters, in a transmedia setting: using short films, graphic art and other platforms represented on their site. In The Armageddon Letters and in their presentation, Jim and janet invite readers and audience members into a virtual time machine that will leave you breathless at the narrowness of humanity's escape, and with a determination never to let anything so dangerous ever happen again.


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