PPTenshi and DDLC

Описание к видео PPTenshi and DDLC

I had so much fun watching her DDLC streams-
Originally I wanted to include the Yuri (eye) and Natsuki (snap neck) jumpscarws as well as Yuri stabbing herself and J U S T M O N I K A and Your Reality parts as well but my phone doesn't have enough storage and it'll prob be like 10+ min of my so-so translations oops
Kanata's channel:
   / @amanekanata  
   • 【ドキドキ文芸部!】初見!ただのギャルゲーじゃない・・・?人生初ギャルゲー...  
   • 【ドキドキ文芸部!】初見プレイ!サヨリルート立ち消え・・・EDまで!!!【...  
#天音かなた #AmaneKanata


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