FOSA webinar Overcoming Validation & Verification Difficulties for Pipeline Leak Detection-OptaSense

Описание к видео FOSA webinar Overcoming Validation & Verification Difficulties for Pipeline Leak Detection-OptaSense

External Leak Detection systems based on distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS) offer the exciting potential to significantly reduce the amount of spilled product before leak detection and localization. In external systems, performance validation is a challenge since, unlike internal systems, leaks cannot easily be simulated. As a result, industrial focus has been deployed on lower level research-oriented test data rather than full scale validation.
Over the last two years OptaSense has established a unique deployment realistic test bed where true pipeline leaks can be created in full flow, full bore conditions. The results from this have been used to validate our claimed performance basis of small 15 lpm leaks detected in ~10 seconds and larger 150 lpm leaks detected by multiple modes in ~1 minute.
Difficulties do not stop at validation – how to verify the in-field performance of installed systems on customer sites where the creation of external leaks is not an option? Here again we have developed a range of specific approaches to verify that a proven, validated system is safely operating as intended. Together the combined efforts of validating performance in operational conditions with verifying in-field capability every time is a world first in assuring pipeline operational integrity. This webinar is presented by Dr. Chris Minto.

Dr. Chris Minto is Engineering Director with OptaSense and is responsible for Engineering, Product Development and Research across the group. Chris has been a part of OptaSense since inception in 2008 and started by developing a scalable delivery arm for pipeline, perimeter, border and other linear asset applications. Chris is both a Chartered Physicist and Engineer and holds a PhD in Physics. Chris served as Chairman of the FOSA Technology Committee in 2017 and 2018.
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