[MBU in MBP] Some paths

Описание к видео [MBU in MBP] Some paths

MBUsers and MBPlayers come together in Marble Blast Platinum 1.50 (RC 1)'s Marble Blast Ultra levels! This video shows some paths, most of which I haven't seen before. Due to the differences between games, I suspect that most of them were already thought of in MBU but are not used because they are not possible in MBU (like Hop Skip and a Jump). Also, not all of these paths are top time paths, but none of them are particularly challenging.

Platform Party: The "blast before the edge hit" path used in MBP with Ultra Blast can also be done in MBU in MBP.

Early Frost: The obvious path but I think I hit the edge of the bumper giving more speed towards the goal.

Duality: I tried finishing it the MBU way but the blast takes a bit too long to recharge to finish in a fast time.

Sledding: Note that I jump on a different place after the 3rd gem catch than in the usual run of this path. This (unintended) tweak seems to save 0.3 second or so.

Fork in the Road: Since this level is smaller than MBG's Spork in the Road and the MBU path already finishes before the time restarts, I wondered if, with additional speed, I could skip the Gyrocopter (which requires more time afterwards) and still finish.

Hop Skip and a Jump: This path is derived from a path used in MBG (different start and obviously no blast) that I tried many years ago. It doesn't save time in MBG (actually gets a fairly high time) but in MBU in MBP, it gives a good time (I don't actually know if it saves any time over a well-placed edge hit, if you want to compare, the time you see here is basically my best run of this path).

King of the Mountain: I think this tweak saves about a second over the regular path. The edge hit isn't optimal and my 5.3x in MBP is done with a finish on the right side of the finish pad (which is faster). I wonder if it can be done in MBG.

Schadenfreude: I remember two times I successfully did the 2 edge hit variant of the 25-second path. The first was in 2009 or something for 25-26 seconds (can't remember) and the second was last year for 24.6x seconds (I think). MBU in MBP's larger marble makes edge hits in this level much easier.
(Also: someone try the 3 second path for this level.)

Thanks to JRONI and his "Who cares anymore..." video which, in addition to being my favorite MBU video, inspired the creation of this one.

Song: Blood Red Shoes - It's Getting Boring by the Sea.


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