Ayurveda the Best System of Medicine | Ayurveda vs Modern Medicine

Описание к видео Ayurveda the Best System of Medicine | Ayurveda vs Modern Medicine

Everyone has heard about Ayurveda and must have also learned about some of its benefits. Ayurveda is prefered over modern medicines as it's techniques works in real life and many have got some serious results which completely changed their life. Indians prefer modern medicines more than Ayurvedic ones as the latter takes more time to show their influence. Our human body is made of five basic elements Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Space. According to Ayurveda our health depends upon three factors vat, pit, kaf. These three factors controls upon our body health.
Ayurveda word is made up of two word 'Ayur' and 'Veda'. Ayur means age and Veda means knowledge. Ayurveda tells us about the secrets of our age.
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