PowerShell Arrays Introduction

Описание к видео PowerShell Arrays Introduction

In this video we talk about PowerShell Arrays and how I use them with new-object to create CSV files of data that I can work with in a familiar way. Also covered are hashtables and few other tricks.

For support, training, or more information about PowerShell check out http://www.boldzebras.com

Here is the actual PowerShell from the video.

$Array = @()

$Processes = Get-Process

Foreach($Proc in $Processes)
If($Proc.WS/1mb -gt 100)
$Array += New-Object psobject -Property @{'ProcessName' = $Proc.name; 'WorkingSet' = $Proc.ws}

$Array | select 'ProcessName', 'WorkingSet' | Export-Csv .\file2.csv -NoTypeInformation

$CSVImport = @()
$CSVImport = Import-Csv .\file2.csv

ForEach($dog in $CSVImport){Write-host "Process Name:" $dog.processname " Working Set:" $dog.workingset}

#Just want to look at it in a prettier way?
$CSVImport | Format-Table -AutoSize

#Other tricks to keep in your pocket


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