Stop Wasting Your Life - Take Control Instead

Описание к видео Stop Wasting Your Life - Take Control Instead

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Whenever I heard the words "addiction" or "addict", the first thing that popped into my head was an image of a bum living on the street, while being high on drugs.

If that's your perception of addiction, then you might think this topic doesn't concern you.
But addiction can be found in other everyday behaviors that nobody would bat an eye for if you were to indulge in them.
It's not exclusive to alcoholics and drug users.

So what I'm going to talk about today is relevant to everyone, because I believe most of us are addicted to something, even if we might not know or want to admit it.
And to improve your life, you don't have to necessarily add a ton of new habits, but rather, eliminate the ones that are holding you down.

If you want to learn more about this topic, you can find the book "The dopamine nation" here:


Images © Piers Baker


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