TTP223 Сверхчувствительный сенсорный переключатель DIY креативная идея

Описание к видео TTP223 Сверхчувствительный сенсорный переключатель DIY креативная идея

Saklar Sentuh Super Sensitive TTP223 Ide Kreatif DIY
Video ini hanya menerangkan cara membuat saklar kapasitif untuk menyalakan lampu 220Vac.

Link pembelian :
TTP223 single sensor sentuh touch module

00:00 Radal05
00:12 Aplikasi ttp223 dengan beban 220Vac
00:18 Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan
00:46 test
03:22 Schematic
04:55 Assembly

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The TTP223 is a touch pad detector IC which offers 1 touch key. The touching detection IC is
designed for replacing traditional direct button key with diverse pad size. Low power consumption
and wide operating voltage are the contact key features for DC or AC application.
Operating voltage 2.0V~5.5V
Operating current @VDD=3V, no load, SLRFTB=1
At low power mode typical 1.5uA, maximum 3.0uA
At fast mode typical 3.5uA, maximum 7.0uA
@VDD=3V, no load, SLRFTB=0
At low power mode typical 2.0uA, maximum 4.0uA
At fast mode typical 6.5uA, maximum 13.0uA
The response time max about 60mS at fast mode, 220mS at low power mode @VDD=3V
Sensitivity can adjust by the capacitance(0~50pF) outside
Have two kinds of sampling length by pad option(SLRFTB pin)
Stable touching detection of human body for replacing traditional direct switch key
Provides Fast mode and Low Power mode selection by pad option(LPMB pin)
Provides direct mode、toggle mode by pad option(TOG pin)
Open drain mode by bonding option, OPDO pin is open drain output,
Q pin is CMOS output
All output modes can be selected active high or active low by pad option(AHLB pin)
Have the maximum on time 100sec by pad option(MOTB pin)
Have external power on reset pin(RST pin)
After power-on have about 0.5sec stable-time, during the time do not touch the key pad,
And the function is disabled
Auto calibration for life
And the re-calibration period is about 4.0sec, when key has not be touched
Wide consumer products
Water proofed electric products
Button key replacement

Table TTP223
PAD State Mode
A Short Output Active Low
Open Output Active High
B Short Toggle Mode
Open Direct Mode


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