What is this THAKWA

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THAKWA(Thailand Kayal Welfare Association)
Concise History of #kayalpatnam
By Dr. R.S. Abdul Latiff M.A.D.Litt. - http://www.kayalpatnam.com/concise.htm

Kayalpatnam is an ancient historical city of India. It lies in the southeast part of Indian peninsula, on the shore off the Bay of Bengal. It is a Muslim dominant town situated in Thoottukudi district (formerly it was in Tirunelveli district). It is situated about 400 miles from Madras and about 100 miles from Tiruvandrum and Madurai. Kayalpatnam was an important trade emporium even before the advent of Islam and it was the chief port of Mabar to which Arabs and Greeks were frequent visitors. During the lifetime of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal), Islamic missionaries were sent to Mabar to preach the peace mission of Islam.

The first settlement in Kayalpatnam occurred in 633 A.D. (Hijiri 12). The first settlers were from Mecca and Medina - who landed here during the reign of the first caliph, the successor of our Prophet Muhammad (Sal), Ameerul Momeneen Hazarat Seyedna Abubakar Siddeeq (Rali).

From 1980 onwards, I closely inspected the archaeological remains in Kayalpatnam as well as studied the old available documents in papers, leaves, and metals. I have seriously studied the various rare inscriptions found in Kayalpatnam and consulted some expert archaeologists with the contents of inscriptions and obtained their opinions.

According to eminent Historians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs visited Kayal even before the advent of Muslim missionaries of Arabia. Through our ancient saintly scholars’ records, we can make out that the first Muslim settlement in Kayalpatnam happened during the lifetime of Hazarath Abu Bakar Siddeeq (Rali). In 1998, Abdur Rahman Walliyullah of Cumbum, a close associate of Kayalpatnam Omar Walliyullah and Peria Muthu Wappa Waliyullah, while discussing about the early history of Kayalpatnam, confirmed that Islam entered Kayalpatnam through Arab traders and Muslim missionaries during the reign of the first Caliph Hazarth Abu Bakar Siddeeq (Rali). Further he said that Kadal Karai Palli was the first mosque and added that the saints who ever visited Kayalpatnam never missed to pray in this mosque.

The second settlement took place in 842 A.D. (Hijiri 227). They came from Cairo in Egypt during the tyrannical rule of Abbasid caliph Al-Multhazim (841 A.D.) and the beginning of Caliph Al-Wadiq’s rule, (842 A.D.). They came under the leadership of Muhammad Khalji (Rah). Big Jamiah mosque (Kuthba Periya Palli) was built by Muhammad Khalji in 843 A.D. (Hijiri 228). Kayal was the name of the place till the advent of Muhammad Khalji. After his arrival, the southern part of Kayal was named Kahirfathan (after Khalji's home town town “Kahira” in Egypt). Kahirfathan, which is Arabic, slowly changed to Kayalpatnam. The northern part of Kayal is called Palaiya Kayal and Punna Kayal.

The third batch of Arabs (third settlement) came from Arabia in 1284 A.D under the leadership of Sultan Jamaluddin (a descendant of holy prophet Muhammad (Sal.) and also a business magnate, statesman and famous ruler of Pandiyan kingdom. His descendants are still living in Kayalpatnam and they have their genealogical table from Sultan Jamaluddin.

Indian historians, and many famous foreign travelers and historians of the west, have perfectly made it clear that Kayalpatnam is situated near the Tamira Parani river - about a mile from its mouth - in Tirunelvelli district (presently Tuticorin district). Kayalpatnam is also distinctly identified with Islam from 8th century.


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