How was my final year at medical college?- 'Aisa final yr kisi ka na ho😓' How much did I score?

Описание к видео How was my final year at medical college?- 'Aisa final yr kisi ka na ho😓' How much did I score?

hey there everyone

firstly thank you for not only watching my video but also reading this description. like every year I post a video on how that particular year was at college, this year is the sequel of the same. yes my final year hasn't been a nice one but as it is said- all is well that ends well.

tbh I don't want to boast about my hardships but what I wanna convey is that please value people in your life. be grateful for any good that has happened with you and reciprocate the same as well. no human can achieve even the tiniest without the help of tpwk!

happy learning and living!!

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