Kids You Won't Believe Actually Exist

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Ask any expectant parent and they will tell you that their hope for their baby is that he or she will be born healthy. What happens, however, when a child is born with an illness, a physical disability? The baby is not wanted or loved any less.

Certain cultures around the world see a baby born with a physical and mental conditions as a curse or someone to be feared. Regardless of how well a woman takes care of herself during pregnancy, nature can sometimes do things unexpectedly.

A human life despite illnesses or diseases is still a beautiful one and these children deserve to be loved and protected. Here are children who were born despite their malformations or conditions in the body. With the advancement of science, one can only hope these babies will have a chance at having a fulfilled life. Please be aware some of the photos may be difficult to see.

If you've ever wondered where cartoonists get their inspiration from then check out this list of cartoon character lookalikes and wonder no more!

Here is 10 People Who Look Exactly Like Cartoon Characters .

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