Is OVERGROWN BEANSTALK Enough for TREANT DRUID to Dominate The Hearthstone Meta?

Описание к видео Is OVERGROWN BEANSTALK Enough for TREANT DRUID to Dominate The Hearthstone Meta?

It’s a race! Short one today because we’re playing Treant Druid, and this one wins quick or it doesn’t. Is Overgrown Beanstalk enough to bring this deck back to prominence? Find out!

Deckcode in comments.




00:00 Deck Intro
00:16 Thoughts on Overgrown Beanstalk
01:05 Playstyle Overview
02:12 Mulligan Guide
02:49 vs. Aggro Paladin
08:34 vs. Painlock
13:39 vs. Face Hunter


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