Famous People Who Mocked God and Sadly Paid with their Lives |Wild Fire as HollyWood & LA Mocked God

Описание к видео Famous People Who Mocked God and Sadly Paid with their Lives |Wild Fire as HollyWood & LA Mocked God

In this video, we bring to you famous and powerful people who mocked God and paid Bitterly for it with their lives and career.

The Christian Bible, the Muslim Quran, and the Jewish Tanakh all have strong teachings about mocking God and the serious consequences that can follow.

The Muslims do not joke with their God; they could kill you if you make jest of their God. Hence, people hardly do that for fear of being attacked or lynched.

Christians, on the other hand, take a different approach. While they don’t seek personal vengeance, leaving judgment to God, the Bible makes it clear that God does not tolerate mockery. Regardless of your beliefs, disrespecting God is something He despises.

And in February 2023 the people of Brazil allegedly mocked God in one of their carnival display. The people O BRAZIL mocked God at the Rio De Janeiro carnival parade of 2023, and the wrath of God descended on them like it did to the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. Killing hundreds of people and displacing thousands from their home.

And it's also believed that Seven days before the carnival, a strange “lightning” struck the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janeiro, same city where the carnival would later take place Seven days after, which to many was a sign of God's warning. But they failed to listen and have to face the consequences according to Christian critics.

The Bible speaks to this in Galatians 6:7, which warns, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” No matter how rich, powerful, or famous someone may be, that does not give them the right to mock or challenge the authority of the Almighty.

In this video, we’ll take a look at famous celebrities and influential figures who mocked God and paid bitterly for it, with consequences that affected both their lives and careers.

Well, as the Bible says in Galatians 6:7, Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows!

California wild fire
LA wild fire
California mocked god
La Mocked God
Los Angeles wild fire
Los Angeles Mocked God
California fire disaster
Nicki Glaser mocked God
Heather McDonald
John Lennon
Marilyn Monroe
Kanye west
Thomas Andrew
Crimdo Neves
Lady Gaga
#Losangelesfire #californiafire #hollywoodmocksGod #LAwildfire #Xxxtentacion #God #MockedGod #Churches #christian #christianity #miracleseveryday


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