What Are Micronutrients (Vitamins And Minerals) Explained - RDA For Vitamins And Minerals

Описание к видео What Are Micronutrients (Vitamins And Minerals) Explained - RDA For Vitamins And Minerals

In this video we discuss what are micronutrients, or vitamins and minerals. We show the RDA for all of the vitamins and minerals and discuss mineral absorption and some foods that are rich in the micronutrients

Micronutrients are non-caloric nutrients that are needed in small to trace amounts to help with everyday bodily functions. Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients.
There are a total of 13 vitamins, which are divided into 2 categories, water- soluble which includes vitamin B’s and C; and fat -soluble vitamins A,D,E and K. And here is a chart with the recommended daily allowance for each of the vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body, except for B6 and B12, and are readily excreted if not used. Because water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, consistent daily intake is important to avoid deficiencies. Water –soluble vitamins are necessary for enzymes involved in metabolism, without water soluble vitamins the enzymes will not work.
Unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body for extended periods of time and later excreted. This storage usually occurs in the liver and adipose tissue.

The ability for the healthy body to store fat-soluble vitamins decreases the risk of deficiencies however, overconsumption can lead to toxicity, also referred to as hypervitaminosis.

When consuming our vitamins through foods, the risk of overconsumption is extremely rare. The risk of toxicity usually occurs through high amounts of supplementation.

Now for minerals. There are 16 total minerals, and here is a chart with the recommended daily allowance for each of the minerals.

Minerals are an inorganic(not derived by a living matter) substances needed in trace to small amounts to help regulate bodily functions. All minerals with the exception of iron are absorbed in their free form. When a mineral is bound to other molecules the mineral absorption is impaired.
The degree at which a mineral can be absorbed is known as its bioavailability.

High mineral bioavailability can be categorized when 40% of the mineral can be absorbed. These minerals included in this category are chloride, fluoride, iodine, potassium, and sodium. Minerals that have low bioavailability 10% include chromium, iron, manganese, and zinc. All other minerals have a bioavailability of 30 to 40%.

Some of the best foods for vitamins and minerals are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean protein and dairy products. A great approach is to consume a variety of foods and get plenty of fruits and veggies on a consistent basis.

0:00 What are micronutrients?
0:11 The 13 vitamins
0:22 RDA for vitamins
1:12 The 16 minerals
1:32 What is mineral bioavailability?
1:49 Minerals with a low bioavailibility
2:01 Best foods for vitamins and minerals


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