The beautiful woman has an amputated leg and walks with an artificial leg

Описание к видео The beautiful woman has an amputated leg and walks with an artificial leg

The beautiful woman has a leg amputated and walks with an artificial leg to replace the amputation of her legs
La belle femme à la jambe amputée défie son handicap avec une jambe artificielle pour remplacer l'amputation de ses jambes
La bella mujer con una pierna amputada desafía su discapacidad con una pierna artificial para reemplazar la amputación de sus piernas
A bela mulher com perna amputada desafia sua deficiência com uma perna artificial para substituir a amputação de suas pernas
Красивая женщина с ампутированной ногой бросает вызов своей инвалидности, предлагая искусственную ногу взамен ампутированной ноги. #amputado #prosthesis #amplife #oneleg #disability #disabled #adaptiveathlete #iamadaptive #ottobock #amputee #amputee _life


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