Assalam o Alaikum Everyone! Hope you are doing great. Thank you so much for visiting our YouTube channel.
Today we are going to discuss the MCQs of General Science | Everyday Science MCQs | Most Repeated MCQs of General Science /Everyday Science
Most important and repeated MCQs GK | past Papers repeated Questions.
Most important repeated MCQs of Pakistan Studies / Pakistan Studies.
Through this platform, you will find General knowledge, General Science, Everyday Science, Islamic Studies / Islamiyat, and Urdu MCQs which definitely help you in preparation for competitive exams.
You will also find subject-related MCQs such as;
Math basic (Ratio, percentage, Arithmetic, Algebra)
Computer Science
MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Physical Education
These MCQs series provide you opportunities to score more numbers in any test of FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CTSP, FIA, FBR, or other competitive exams.
These MCQs are for Director, Assistant Director, Assistant, Inspector, sub-inspector, SST, EST, and a subject specialist.
These MCQs are for the preparation of screening tests, and interviews for govt jobs.
These all MCQs are most repeated in past papers which are collected by our research team, whose attempted different competitive exams.
Basic MCQs of Pakistan Studies, Pakistan geography-related MCQs,
If you want to succeed in any test, must follow us to Subscribe to our channel, and press the notification bottom for a new update.
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