Sergei Rachmaninoff - 6 Morceaux, Op 11 (score-video)

Описание к видео Sergei Rachmaninoff - 6 Morceaux, Op 11 (score-video)

Sergei Rachmaninoff – 6 Morceaux, Op. 11 (1894)

0:11 – 1. Barcarolle
5:12 – 2. Scherzo
7:58 – 3. Thème russe (Russian theme)
12:15 – 4. Valse (Waltz)
15:55 – 5. Romance
19:33 – 6. Slava (Glory)

Thorson & Thurber
Ingryd Thorson, piano
Julian Thurber, piano

~~~~~Support the artists~~~~~
Buy the recording here: (We could not find an official vendor for a hard copy of the CD, but you can purchase CD quality files here)

Artists’ websites:
SoundCloud:   / thorson_thurber  
YouTube:    / @thorsonandthurber9432  

~~~~~ Sources~~~~~
Portrait of Rachmaninoff:


Original audio:
   • Rachmaninoff: Complete Works for Two ...   (tracks 6-11)

If you’d like to request a piece, get a score, or ask us any questions, please email us at [email protected]
If you’d like to support us/our channel or request a world premiere, you can do so at

~~~~~ Disclaimer ~~~~~
We do not own the recording or sheet music used in this video. In uploading this video, we claim that it qualifies as “fair use” for “comment” and (music) education according to Section 107 of the Copyright Act of the US Constitution. If you own the copyright to any materials used in this video and disagree with our claim, please contact us directly and we will take this video down. Please do not report it through Youtube’s built-in system, as that would give our channel a strike.

~~~~~ Post Script ~~~~~
For some reason we remember having watched a score-video of this piece before (on olla-vogala's channel perhaps?), except with Martha Argerich and Lilya Zilberstein at the pianos; however, we can't find any trace of this video's existence if it did exist at some point. Nonetheless, we decided not to use that recording if our memories are in fact correct.


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